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Underwater Painting Voyage, 2022

Nikolina Kovalenko


Underwater Painting Voyage, by[object Object]

"Underwater Painting Voyage" is an immersive video journey inside my painting series "Utopian Reefscapes" where I paint a fictional ocean of abundance- the one we are losing due to coral bleaching and other environmental threats. I love that second when the veil of the sea lifts and reveals this mysterious and magical universe. One thing was clear to me since my first dive -the underwater world is incredibly fascinating, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It felt like I was exploring a new planet, with alien life, colors, textures and shapes.
I imagine a diver of the future seeing nothing but dead monochromatic ocean bottom, deprived of color, texture and movement. I feel it's my duty to convey the mesmerizing underwater world while it lasts. Instead of meticulously documenting particular images I took while diving, I paint the underwater garden of Eden where corals of all shapes and colors thrive.
50% of the world's coral reefs have already been destroyed, and another 40% are expected to disappear in the next 20 years due to warming oceans, pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction-all caused by humans, directly or indirectly. By 2100 coral reefs might cease to exist. Coral reefs will become history and slowly sink into oblivion. How can we care so little about the underwater world when it covers 70% of our planet? We are just guests on this Earth- very demanding guests, with horrible manners, who keep talking about themselves while never stopping to listen or ask questions.
I'm hopeful "Underwater Painting Voyage" will inspire in viewers a curiosity, awe, joy, and sense of shared responsibility for our beautiful, fragile planet earth.

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